I recently sent Elder Rushforth an email requesting some good stories for the Blog. This is what I received in response...
"SO my FANS are wanting an update aye! I feel so special and popular!! Okay, so maybe I need to work on humility a little more:) Sorry I haven't had any crazy stories but I have had some amazing experiences as we strive to find those whom are prepared. I love my mission so much and I have learned a great deal and need to learn a lot more!!! I have great missionaries that are serving around me that I am able to learn from three of them are from Bountiful and Centerville, Elder Bench(my companion), Elder Buchanan and Elder Collier!! Crazy small world! I went to elementary and High school with Elder Collier and Elder Buchanan had seminary at bountiful high and had the same teacher just different periods. The work is awesome!! To be able to teach of Jesus Christ and the peace that can come into the lives that are willing to act upon the feelings of the Holy Ghost is great. We have been teaching a couple named Jeff and Kristy for a couple of weeks now and to see the change already in their life and how it is blessing them is awesome. We found them through prayer as we walked down a road we were striving to find some children of God to teach. As we walked I said a prayer silently and then we saw Jeff who was sitting outside and we stopped to talk to him. A few minutes later Kristy came out and told us that she had seen us earlier that week and wanted to ask us if we had an reading material and if we could come stop by and teach them. One other good finding experience that we had is at church when a 10 year-old came up to us and told us she wanted to be baptized. We visited with the family that has been bringing her and they talked to the dad to see what he thought and he gave her permission to be baptized and we will hopefully meet with him as well. We are excited about the great work!!!
Alright so one crazy story!!! We got the police called on us!!! We had an appointment with Jeff and Kristy and we had a member who met us there and we taught the lesson and got out at 8:30 so it was dark and we were visiting with the member after the meeting (about ten min.) and a cop pulled up and climb out of his car and was about to ask us a question when he looked at my companion and I seeing our name tags and paused and shook his head. We told him we had just got out of an appointment. At about that time a voice came from the house right behind us and stood up for us telling the cop that we were the best people that ever walk up and down the street. (probably because it is in a pretty ghetto area). She then said that she couldn't get the cops here that fast if there was a drug deal going down. We all laughed because at that point the cop had left. We finished talking about gospel stuff and the lesson and we went our way. So that is absolutely true and I laugh about it.
The mission is great and our Savior lives and loves us all. As we read the scriptures, the bible and the Book of Mormon, we strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ and come closer to him. We can know if the Book of Mormon is true as we read and pray about the things we learn and act up the feelings we receive. I hope all is going well with you all. Have a great week. "
Elder Rushforth
He's such an amazing missionary and always has a positive attitude, even when things are rough. It's uplifting to hear from him regularly about his experiences and how his testimony is growing. I can hardly believe that he'll be home in February! But I'm grateful that he has had this opportunity to learn and grow and serve the Lord by bringing lost sheep to the fold. What an amazing example he is!
-- Manchester, England
5 years ago
Wendi, your brother is training my son, Elder Searcy from Alaska, who just finished at the MTC Tuesday (11-16-2010).