Tyler does write every week, but he doesn't say a whole lot. So I had to call in reinforcements. By combing the information I've gotten with the information my mom has gotten, we've managed to piece together the following blog post.
Tyler is in the Vancouver North Nehalem Ward. He attended Stake Conference and was impressed by a talk from a sister about being and instrument in the hands of God. It really made Tyler stop and think, What type of instrument/missionary will I be in the hands of the Lord?
Tyler and his companion had an opportunity to teach a person. He said the Spirit was not there and it felt horrible. They went back to the house and studied to get the Spirit back. Tyler said it was a very wonderful humbling experience. He says, "Remember that the Gift of the Holy Ghost is truly a wonderful gift."
In his latest letter he tells us that missionary work is harder than he expected.
Here's one experience he shared:"We did get one try back but his wife said to come back when her husband was home so we did and he taught us Hell, fire, and damnation and why we are going there. We left as soon as we could and decided that we are grateful to be able to pray to know for ourselves and that our knowledge of the Godhead truly does make sense. Anyhow I did receive my first Bible, NASB version. I do have to say he was concerned about the welfare of our souls but what he explained was so confusing."
He sends scripture reading assignments and thought provoking questions to us regularly. To Dad, a discussion on faith. To Mom, what is your favorite scripture story and why. To Kevin, Jacob 1:7-8 & Alma 29:9 What do these scriptures mean to you? To Brian, What is your favorite primary song and why. To Wendi, read Enos and contemplate his approach to Prayer. He's keeping us focused, too!
He doesn't write a whole lot, but he seems to be loving it, not that we ever expected anything else! Hopefully soon we'll have some pictures to post!
-- Manchester, England
5 years ago